Celebrating Toni: A Memorial in Her Own Words

Celebrating Toni: A Memorial in Her Own Words

CELEBRATING TONI: A MEMORIAL IN HER OWN WORDS Saturday, September 14, 7-9 pm at 118 Elliot 118 Elliot Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 On Saturday, September 14th there will be a community celebration to honor the words, life, brilliance, and influence of the great Toni...

Cocktail Continuum: An Evening of Expanded Poetics

Wednesday August 28, 2019, 8PM at Wunderbar 22 Rockingham Street, Bellows Falls, Vermont An evening of live poetry, cocktails and a crankie show of The Lumberjack’s Dove. Featuring Cassandra de Alba GennaRose Nethercott Desmond Peeples Shanta Lee...